RNSG-1207-30 - Nurs Jurisprudence
Lamar State College - Port Arthur
House Bill 2504
Summer I 2015 Course Syllabus
Faculty Information | |||||||||||||
Semester | Summer I 2015 | ||||||||||||
Instructor | Douglas, Mark Eric | ||||||||||||
Phone | (409) 984-6371 | ||||||||||||
douglasm@lamarpa.edu | |||||||||||||
Department |
Office |
MyLamarPA | Be sure to check your campus E-mail and Course Homepage using MyLamarPA campus web portal (My.LamarPA.edu). When youve logged in, click the email icon in the upper right-hand corner to check email, or click on the My Courses tab to get to your Course Homepage. Click the link to your course and review the information presented. It is important that you check your email and Course Homepage regularly. You can also access your grades, transcripts, and determine who your academic advisor is by using MyLamarPA. | ||||||||||||
Course Information | |||||||||||||
Course Number | 60499 | ||||||||||||
Course Description | A course in nursing jurisprudence and ethics with an emphasis on personal and professional responsibility. Study of the laws and regulations related to the provision of safe and effective professional nursing care. This course lends itself to either a blocked or integrated approach. | ||||||||||||
Course Prerequisites | RNSG 1423 Introduction to Professional Nursing for Integrated Programs; RNSG 1260 Clinical RNSG; RNSG 2514 Care of Patients with Complex Health Care Needs; RNSG 2535 Integrated Client Care Management; RNSG 2230 Professional Nursing Review (may be a corequisite) | ||||||||||||
Required Textbooks |
American Psychological Association (2009). Concise rules of apa style (6th ed.). Washington, D. C. Westrick, S. J. (2014). Essentials of nursing law and ethics (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Readings and resources will be assigned throughout the modules. Some of these resources will be available through Gates Memorial Librarys electronic reserves. Others will be Internet resources available through links in the course. Textbooks are required and can be purchased from the Lamar Port Arthur Online Bookstore (http://lamar-pa.bncollege.com) or from most online book retailers. |
Attendance Policy |
Students must have access to a PC laptop or desktop with: o Ready access to a PC or Macintosh laptop or desktop with: o Windows Vista or 7; or MacOSX 10.7.5 or later o Latest version of Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome browser, and/or Internet Explorer 9 o Standard browser plug-ins: Adobe Flash, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Apple Quicktime, Java o Computer hardware less than three years old with working webcam and microphone Students must have High Speed Internet Connection: o Wired DSL or Cable Broadband access o Wireless or Wireless Mobile Broadband connections are not recommended for use during testing but may be used during course browsing Mobile Devices and the Blackboard Mobile App o Students cannot complete a course using only a mobile device or the Blackboard Mobile App o Blackboard does not support browsers on mobile devices (iOS or Android) Students must have access to Microsoft Office 2010 or higher. |
Course Grading Scale | 90-100 = A 80-89 = B 75-79 = C 60-74 = D Below 60 = F | ||||||||||||
Determination of Final Grade |
Discussions/Assignments Up to 100 Points each (averaged) 70% Final Summation Up to 100 Points 10% Midterm Exam Up to 100 Points 10% Final Exam Up to 100 Points 10% TBON Jurisprudence Exam Pass/Fail Pass/Fail TOTAL 100% |
Final Exam Date | July 23, 2015 - 7:00 AM | ||||||||||||
Major Assignments |
Reading Assignments and Skimming Assignments: When asked to read a text, an article or some other resource, the student should look carefully at the material so as to understand the meaning of what is being presented. For example, if you are asked to read a chapter in the textbook, you are expected to know and to at least begin to understand the information being presented by the time you complete the reading. In comparison, skimming consists of familiarizing yourself with the materials being covered. When asked to skim materials, it is a good practice to read the first and last sentences of the paragraphs within the text. If you do not get the gist of the passage, read more. The student should also pay attention to titles, headings, images and tables so to become familiar with the basic ideas presented. Discussions/Assignments: In these discussions and assignments, you will complete the activities and address the discussion questions or assignments presented within each Module after completing all readings and research assigned. You will also submit scholarly responses to other student postings within the discussion board area; the required number of scholarly responses will be designated in each discussion/assignment. These assignments are worth 100 points each. Final Summation: In this assignment, you will identify the key points within the information discussed that will make a difference and change the way you are currently nursing. This assignment is worth 100 points. Exams: You will complete two electronic exams using Respondus Lockdown Browser during the course. The midterm exam is worth 100 points and the final exam is worth 100 points. The due dates for completion of the exams are listed in the module. Exams are multiple choice, short answer and true/false. No essay questions are included. Questions for the quizzes may be randomly selected so no two students have the same test. Each exam item is of equal weight, so no student has an easier or more difficult exam to take. There are no exam retakes available. Individual Discussion Postings: Discussion amongst and between classmates is a major component of this course. At several points in this course, you may be asked to respond to a provocation from the instructor. Your response in all postings should consist of complete sentences and should meet the requirements listed in each discussion assignment instructions. Additionally, you are required to post thoughtful and scholarly responses to other student postings each week Texas Board of Nursing Jurisprudence Exam: Submit a scanned copy of your Certificate of Completion for your Nursing Jurisprudence exam. You should have submitted your application to the BON by the beginning of this course and can check your status online. You may submit a screenshot of the online status of your Application for Initial Licensure for your RN. If you have already taken your jurisprudence as an LVN you should not have to repeat it but it must show as completed in this status area with a date taken. This is a mandatory Pass/Fail assignment and must be completed to pass the course. Late Assignments: Late assignments will be penalized 25 points if received after the date and time due No exceptions. Assignments submitted after 24 hours will result in a zero for the assignment. |
Calendar of Lecture Topics and Major Assignment Due Dates |
Refer to RNSG 1207 Blackboard (Dates are subject to change in extenuating circumstances. Students will be notified of changes as soon as possible). It is recommended that you check the course and your email daily for updates. Module 1 06/01/2015 06/07/2015 Westrick, S. J. (2014). Essentials of nursing law and ethics (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Chapter 2 Regulations of Nursing Practice Chapter 3 Nurses in Legal Actions Chapter 4 Standards of Care Chapter 5 Defenses to Negligence or Malpractice Chapter 6 Prevention of Malpractice Chapter 11 Patients Rights and Responsibilities Chapter 12 Confidential Communication Chapter 43 Intentional Torts Web-Based Reading Activity: Go to the Texas Board of Nursing website and review the following specific areas of the Nursing Practice Act and Rules and Regulations: Conduct: reportable/nonreportable: NPA 301.401(1), Rule 217.11(1)(K), Rule 217.16; Fitness to Practice: NPA 301.401, 301.410, Rule 213.29 and Discipline & Complaints - Policies & Guidelines Grounds for Disciplinary Action: NPA 301.452, 301.453, 301.4535 Identification - NPA 301.351 and Rule §217.10 Investigation of Complaints: NPA 301.457; Disciplinary Matrix; Disciplinary Action, Discipline FAQs Mandatory Reporting Requirements: By individual nurse: NPA 301.402, 301.4025 and Rule 217.11(K) Mandatory Reporting Requirements: By others: NPA 301.403, 301.404, 301.405, 301.406, 301.407, 301.408, 301.409, 301.410 Minor Incident, Board reportable - Rule §217.16 Minor Incident, Definition - NPA 301.419 and Rule 217.16, 217.19 & 217.20 (def 9) Mission - Home page BON web site - NPA Mission; Texas Board of Nursing Newsletters Multi State Recognition NPA 304; and Rule §220 Name Badge - NPA 301.351 and Rule §217.10 Reporting a Nurse (how to): NPA 301.457, Discipline & Complaints Forms and Board of Nursing Complaint Process Stipulations: NPA 301.463, 301.468, 301.469 and Rule §213.1(27), Disciplinary Matrix; Disciplinary Action Texas Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations Click the link(s) to access the reading(s). You must be connected to the Internet to view the reading(s). Complete all reading by end of day Tuesday. Module 1 Assignments Complete the assignment: Academic Honor Code Submit signed Academic Honor Code by end of day Friday Complete the assignment: Determination of Final Grade Submit signed Determination of Final Grade by end of day Friday Complete the discussion: Nursing Practice Case Study Post discussion response by end of day Friday Post scholarly replies by end of day on Sunday Complete the Pre Test Open on Tuesday closes on Sunday Module 2 06/08/2015 06/14/2015 Textbook Readings Review Module 1 assigned readings Web-Based Reading Review Module 1 assigned readings Module 2 Assignments Complete the activity and discussion: Nursing Practice Post discussion response by end of day Friday Post scholarly replies by end of day on Sunday Complete the activity and assignment: Nursing and the Law Submit assignment by end of day on Sunday Module 3 06/15/2015 06/21/2015 Westrick, S. J. (2014). Essentials of nursing law and ethics (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Chapter 19 Clients with AIDS and HIV Testing Chapter 20 Abusive Situations Chapter 45 Ethical Decision Making Chapter 46 Professional Boundaries and Patient Relationships Chapter 47 Moral Courage and Patient Advocacy Chapter 48 Social Media and Online Professionalism Chapter 49 Reporting Illegal, Unethical, or Unsafe Conduct Chapter 50 Maternal and Fetal Rights Chapter 51 Futility of Care Chapter 52 Advance Directives and End-of-Life Decisions Chapter 53 Assisted Suicide Web-Based Reading Activity: Read the Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretative Statements Activity: Review the following areas within the Nursing Practice Act and Rules and Regulations: Conduct: reportable/nonreportable: NPA 301.401(1), Rule 217.11(1)(K), Rule 217.16 Ethical Conduct - Rules §213.27, §213.28, §213.29, §213.30 and §217.12 Fitness to Practice: NPA 301.401, 301.410, Rule 213.29 and Disciplinary Sanction Policies, Discipline FAQs Good Professional Character - NPA 301.452(b)(12), Rule 217.12 Grounds for Disciplinary Action: NPA 301.452, 301.453, 301.4535 Investigation of Complaints: NPA 301.457; Discipline & Complaints Forms and Board of Nursing Complaint Process Mandatory Reporting Requirements: By individual nurse: NPA 301.402, 301.4025 and Rule 217.11(K) Mandatory Reporting Requirements: By others: NPA 301.403, 301.404, 301.405, 301.406, 301.407, 301.408, 301.409, 301.410 Professional Boundaries - Rule §217.11(1) (J), Rule §217.12(6) (D); Texas BON Bulletin: Jan 08, pg. 4-5; Professional Boundaries Brochure Reporting a Nurse (how to): NPA 301.457, Discipline & Complaints Forms and Discipline FAQs Stipulations: NPA 301.463, 301.468, 301.469 and Rule §213.1(27), Disciplinary Action Texas Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations Unprofessional Conduct - NPA 301.452; and Rules §213.28, §213.29, §217.12 Click the link(s) to access the reading(s). You must be connected to the Internet to view the reading(s). Complete all reading by end of day Tuesday. Module 3 Assignments Complete the discussion: Code of Ethics Case Study #1 Post discussion response by end of day Friday Post scholarly replies by end of day on Sunday Module 4 06/22/2015 06/28/2015 Textbook Readings Review Module 3 assigned readings Web-Based Reading Review Module 3 assigned readings Module 4 Assignments Complete the discussion: Code of Ethics Case Study #2 Post discussion responses by end of day Friday Post scholarly replies by end of day on Sunday Complete the discussion debate: Ethical Issues Post discussion response by end of day Friday Post scholarly replies by end of day on Sunday Module 5 06/29/2015 07/05/2015 Westrick, S. J. (2014). Essentials of nursing law and ethics (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Chapter 14 Informed Consent Chapter 15 Refusal of Treatment Chapter 16 Pain Control Chapter 17 Patient Teaching and Health Counseling Chapter 18 Medication Administration Chapter 26 The Medical Record and Documentation Standards Chapter 27 Electronic Health Information and Communication Chapter 28 Independent Nursing Functions: Verbal Orders and Telenursing Chapter 29 Event Reporting and Compliance Chapter 30 Quality and Safety in Nursing Practice Complete all reading by end of day Tuesday. Module 5 Assignments Complete the discussion: Liability in Professional Practice Post discussion response by end of day Friday Post scholarly replies by end of day on Sunday Complete the assignment: Professional Practice Issues Submit assignment by end of day on Sunday Complete the Midterm Exam Open on Thursday at 0700 until 1900 Module 6 07/06/2015 07/12/2015 Westrick, S. J. (2014). Essentials of nursing law and ethics (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Chapter 9 Accepting or Refusing an Assignment/Patient Abandonment Chapter 10 Delegation to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel Chapter 22 Restraints Chapter 23 Emergency Psychiatric Admissions Chapter 25 Discharge Against Medical Advice Web-Based Reading Activity: Go to the Texas Board of Nursing website and review the following specific areas of the Nursing Practice Act and Rules and Regulations: Delegation: APN: Rule §217.11(3) Delegation FAQs Delegation: Licensure Level for: Rules §217.11(3)(B), 224 and 225 Differentiate Role of LVN versus RN: Interpretive Guidelines for LVN and RN Scope of Practice , Review all Position Statements including: 15.2, 15.3, 15.7, 15.8, 15.13, 15.24, FAQ on BON website on BON Rules and Regulations Relating to Telenursing/Telehealth, Scope of Practice for Nurses poster Differentiate Training, Supervision, and Delegation: Rules §224.4 (3), §224.10, §225.4(6), §225.13, and §217.11 (1) (S)(U) and (2), Position Statement 15.27 The Licensed Vocational Nurse Scope of Practice Frequently Asked Questions - Nursing Practice Practice - Guidelines and Interpretative Guidelines Licensure Level for Delegation: Rules §217.11(3)(B), 224 (All sections) and 225 (All sections) Practice - Texas Board of Nursing Position Statements Refusing an Assignment: Safe Harbor Mandatory Requirement - Rule §217.20(g)(2) Refusing an Assignment: Safe Harbor - Rules §217.20(e)(4), (g)(1)(A)-(B); Frequently Asked Questions Nursing Peer Review Texas Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations Safe Harbor Protections - NPA 301.352, 303.005(c); Rule §217.20(e) Safe Harbor: Invoking - Rule §217.20(d) Standards of Nursing Practice: Rule 217.11 Supervise LVN Practice: NPA 301.353; Rule §217.11 (2) and Position Statement 15.27 The Licensed Vocational Nurse Scope of Practice Texas Board of Nursing Law & Rules - Nursing Practice Act Click the link(s) to access the reading(s). You must be connected to the Internet to view the reading(s). Complete all reading by end of day Tuesday. Module 6 Assignments Complete the discussion: Ethical Debate Professional Issues Post discussion response by end of day Friday Post scholarly replies by end of day on Sunday Complete the assignment: Professional Responsibility Submit assignment by end of day Sunday Module 7 07/13/2015 07/19/2015 Westrick, S. J. (2014). Essentials of nursing law and ethics (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Chapter 7 Nurses as Witnesses Chapter 8 Professional Liability Insurance Chapter 32 Employer and Employee Rights Chapter 34 Corporate Liability Chapter 36 Employment Status Liability Chapter 37 Staffing Issues and Floating Chapter 40 Impaired Nurses Chapter 42 Violence in the Workplace Web-Based Reading Activity: Go to the Texas Board of Nursing website and review the following specific areas of the Nursing Practice Act and Rules and Regulations: CE Requirements for License Renewal - Rule §216; Education - Continuing Nursing Education & Competency Disciplinary Guidelines for Criminal Conduct Disciplinary Sanction Policies Due Process Exclusions: Incident-Based Peer Review - Rule §217.19(f) Due Process Exclusions: Safe Harbor Peer Review - Rule §217.20(f) Due Process: Incident-Based Peer Review - Rule §217.19(d) Due Process: Safe Harbor Peer Review - Rule §217.20(h) Frequently Asked Questions - Nursing Practice; Licensure; Education; Delegation; Discipline; Nursing Peer Review; Board Information & Other FAQs Practice - Guidelines and Interpretative Guidelines Invoking Safe Harbor - Rule §217.20(d), Safe Harbor Forms Peer Review: Purpose NPA 303.001(5) Practice - Texas Board of Nursing Position Statements Texas Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations Temporary permit - Rule §217.3; and Graduate Vocational and/or Graduate Nurse - Rule 217. 3 & Rules and Guidelines Governing Texas Board of Nursing Law & Rules - Nursing Practice Act; Rules & Regulations Title Protection - NPA 301.251 and 301.4515; and Rule §217.10 Violations (nursing actions) - NPA 301.452, §Rule 217.11 Whistleblower Protections - NPA 301.352 and Rules §217.19(m), 217.20(l) Click the link(s) to access the reading(s). You must be connected to the Internet to view the reading(s). Complete all reading by end of day Tuesday. Module 7 Assignments Complete the activities and discussion: Nursing Legalities Post discussion response by end of day Friday Post scholarly reply by end of day on Sunday Complete the Discussion Board assignment: Personal Philosophy of Nursing Submit discussion board assignment by end of day on Friday Take the Texas Nursing Jurisprudence Exam through the Texas Board of Nursing Website Submit verification of taking and passing your Texas Nursing Jurisprudence Exam by end of day Friday Module 8 07/20/2015 07/26/2015 Textbook Readings Review all previously assigned readings Web-Based Reading Review all previously assigned readings Module 8 Assignments Complete the Final Summation paper Submit assignment by end of day on Friday Complete the Final Exam Open on Thursday at 0700 until 1900 Complete the Post Test Open on Monday closes on Saturday |
General Education/Core Curriculum Student Learning Outcomes |
Program Student Learning Outcomes |
The Upward Mobility Nursing Program provides educational experiences that offer opportunities for the student to: PSLO ALPHA: Reading skills - Demonstrates comprehension of content-area reading material. PSLO 1. Practices within the legal, ethical and regulatory standards for the professional nurse. PSLO 2. Uses a systematic problem-solving process to provide individualized, evidence-based nursing care and coordinate care for a limited number of patients who have complex needs in various health care settings. PSLO 3. Employs an approach to nursing practice that promotes safety for patients, significant others, self, and members of the healthcare team. PSLO 4. Collaborates with members of the interdisciplinary health care team to provide optimum, evidence-based, and safe care to patients. |
Course Student Learning Outcomes |
In accordance with the mission of Lamar State College - Port Arthur, this course encourages the student to develop the particular skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed for success in the field of Professional Nursing. Upon completion of RNSG 1207, the student will have the opportunity to: 1. Describe the roles of the professional nurse in a variety of health care settings. 2. Identify standards of nursing practice. 3. Discuss issues concerning professional boundaries. 4. Discuss supervisor liability. 5. Describe the rights of the nurse in a peer review situation. 6. Relate the difference between minor and reportable incidents 7. Discuss other legal and ethical parameters of professional nursing according to the Nursing Practice Act for the State of Texas. 8. Identify all main ideas, supporting details, and vocabulary in reading material; demonstrate a full understanding of the reading. |
Academic Honesty | Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSC-PA policies (Section IX, subsection A, in the Faculty Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty. | ||||||||||||
Facility Policies |
Additional Information | |||||||||||||
Important Information | |||||||||||||
ADA Considerations | The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Special Populations Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241. | ||||||||||||
Copyright Violations |
Some material in this course may be copyrighted. They may be used only for instructional purposes this semester,
by students enrolled in this course. These materials are being used fairly and legally.
No one may distribute or share these copyrighted materials in any medium or format with anyone outside this class,
including publishing essays with copyrighted material, uploading copyrighted material to Facebook or YouTube, or
painting or performing copyrighted material for public display.
Copyright violation is not the same thing as plagiarism. Plagiarism is intellectual dishonesty. Offenses of plagiarism result in lower grades or failing scores, and professors and the college strictly enforce plagiarism rules. There is never any acceptable use of plagiarism. Copyright violation is a legal offense, punishable by large fines and penalties. Copyrighted material can be used if permission from the materials creator is obtained, or if its use meets the standards of fair use in an educational setting. For example, a student can quote a line from Shakespeares Hamlet in a report without violating copyright but still be guilty of plagiarism if the quotation is not properly documented. If you are in doubt about what material can be freely used, ask your professor or contact the Dean of Library Services, at (409) 984-6216. |
Assessment Statement |
Assessment is a process by which LSCPA can help you learn better and gauge the level of progress you have made to
attain knowledge, skills, beliefs, and values. It also helps your professors understand how to improve teaching
and testing methods in your classes, and it helps each department understand and improve degree and certificate
Periodically LSC-PA will collect assessment data for research and reporting purposes, including statistical data and sometimes copies of your work. Be assured that all material the college uses for assessment purposes will be kept confidential. To ensure anonymity, your name will be removed from any material we use for assessment purposes, including video-recorded performances, speeches, and projects. If you object to allowing LSC-PA to use your material for assessment purposes, submit a letter stating so to your professor by the 12th class day. You will still be required to participate in whatever assessments are being done; we just wont use your data. Whats the difference between assessment and grades? The grades you get on papers, projects, speeches, and assignments are specific types of focused assessment. LSC-PAs assessment efforts include class grades, surveys, standardized tests, and other tools. |
Privacy Notice |
Federal privacy laws apply to college students. This means that college employees, including instructors, cannot
divulge information to third parties, including parents and legal guardians of students. Even if the students are
minors, information about their college work cannot be shared with anyone except in very limited circumstances.
Anyone requesting information about a student should be referred to the Registrar. Instructors will be notified in writing by that Office about what information may be released and to whom. Please remember that releasing private information about a student, however innocuous it may seem, can be a violation of federal law, with very serious consequences. Circumstances under which information may be released:
An adult student may submit, to the Registrar, a handwritten, signed note granting permission for release of
information. The note must specify what information may be divulged, and it must specify the name of the person
to whom the information may be given.
The Registrars office is located in the Student Center room 303B, and can be reached at (409) 984-6165. |
College-Level Perspectives |
This course helps add to the students overall collegiate experience in the following ways:
Degree Plan Evaluation |
A Degree Plan Evaluation will help you determine which classes you need to complete your program.
All of the classes that you have taken that apply to your declared major will be listed on the right. If you have a class that still needs to be completed, a NO will be listed on the right next to the required class. |
HB 2504 | This syllabus is part of LSC-PAs efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504. | ||||||||||||
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